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Our Sheep

Our family has had a long history with North Country Cheviot sheep. LaVern used to raise a few, and now we run a large herd of them. We have tried many different breeds, but Cheviots are special to us.

They are a meat and wool breed that has strong mothering instincts. They are also a hardy breed that thrives in both adverse as well as pleasant conditions. They are a breed created in the Scottish Highlands that had to adapt to thrive without human intervention.

Because of this, lambs are quick to get-up and nurse soon after birth. They also produce wool that can be desired by spinners. And their meat is lean and of excellent quality. They are also a good-looking breed with distinctness between the genders, with the rams being masculine, and the ewes being feminine. 

We raise our sheep mainly for lamb. However, from time to time, we will offer ewes, lambs, and rams for sale as well. 

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